Crisis Caverns Island

Crisis on Infinite Caverns: Conclusion

Hoi, I’m Koi.

Here we are again! Thank you idk for the screenshots, once more. If you haven’t seen part one, check here.

Jurassic Arc

Get it? Because his spine is like a bridge? And it kinda looks like a dinosaur? Get it?

Not much I can comment on here besides that this island would’ve had very cool scenery, and clearly very cool gameplay. Walking right on top of the vertebrae going from the skull to the end of the back of a dinosaur? That’s pretty gnarly if you ask this man guy right here.

Nuclear Power Plant

Get it? Because they’re plants? And they’re glowing? Get it?

Idk says these things are not only producing light, but they’re moving as well.


This place looks like it was built in Realms to me for some reason. There’s more to this area than just the plants, so let’s move on.


More orange Orbs, and a dead k-koi fish?!

Or you know, just literally any fish at all.

Jokes aside, he also said the metallic cube we see to the right of him can be walked through, which seems to imply in reality it’ll had to have been moved out of the way by the player.


It’s almost confirmed considering you can move the metallic cube over here. They probably didn’t just finish the coding before they decided to abandon the island so the other one could move, or at least that’s my two cents. 😛


Ever wanted to take a nice cold dip under a prehistoric beast’s skeleton which is just evidence of it’s rotting, rotting corpse? Me too!

Anyway, that wraps this crisis up. Hope y’alls finally had your crisis caverns hunger fed! 🙂 Thank you idk once more for making this possible.

-Koi (fish emoticon)

Crisis Caverns Island

Crisis on Infinite Caverns: Exploring and Analyzing

Hoi, I’m Koi.

idk sent in a lot of Crisis Caverns screenshots, so much so that I already have a draft of Part 2 coming out tomorrow. Today, I’ll be analyzing them to find out what Crisis Caverns could’ve been. Or… what could be?

Palace Interior

Interior, crocodile, alligator – I drive a Chevrolet movie theater.


So, we all know this was the Mole King’s throne, or at least what was intended to be so. I really, really like the color palette and aesthetics the caverns had, especially the palace interior. I wish this island was a reality.


Palace Exterior

If you can tell, at the very left of the scene – there’s a hole. This area doesn’t seem to be quite finished developmental wise, but my bet is that it leads to the inner palace.

Orange Orbs

First off, we can see a few orange Orb (Legends). It seems if this was finished, the rocks would have a professional glow, and not just an orange circle with low opacity. That, or it’s indication for the coder’s to make it function or something.

Power Drill

It seems to align perfectly with the drill itself, so it’s definitely a generator of some kind.

Cavern Crazy

Really not much I can add here, but the only crisis in these caverns is that we never got to play it.

 To Be Concluded…

– Koi (◑‿◐)

Web Development

Reintroduction: Koi

Hi, I’m Koi.

koi spencerYou may remember me as Cobalt Spinner (or just Cobalt, or Spencer), a former PHB author. I’m back.

Listen – I’ve rewritten this post more times than anyone should consider normal. I can’t really find the right words to put out there for y’alls.

Please just ask anything in the comments, and I’ll address it. If I answered the same question already, I’ll still reply to it.

Better things coming.

-Koi (◑‿◐)

Contests, Hellos & Goodbyes

Take care, Poptropicans. (Also: Results for Cobalt’s Contest!)

Hey folks, it’s Cobalt, no, Spencer here, with some saddening news, and a lot of commas.

I was here for what, a month, a bit longer? Yeah, I know. I’m sorry if you all became somewhat attached to me. But listen, I’ll never forget this. Any of this. I’ll never forget being Cobalt, and I’ll never forget you. I’ll be 90 something, 100 or more if I’m lucky, on my deathbed and I promise, I swear, I’ll have this place in mind. You won’t know when I die, any of you online pals or fans, but if I were to get in a car crash tomorrow, I want you all to know I died loving you all.

Sorry for getting a tad personal, but I want my goodbye to be genuinely from the heart. I’ve always downright hated my environment. My school, my home life, my family hardships and so forth. I always wanted something just otherworldly to happen to me. Like, turn into The Flash or get a letter to attend Hogwarts. I never got struck by lightning, or an owl flinging himself against my window with an invitation to a wizard school. But, I did get an invitation to work here. The opportunity to work on a blog you’ve been a fan of for roughly half your life? Yeah, that’s pretty otherworldly.

So, why am I leaving? Why am I abandoning this community and game altogether? Well, there really is no way to word this without it sounding like a sob story, but here I go.

I need to work on myself, and pursue other interests and move on. I was the kid in 4th grade that blew his homework to play Big Nate Island on its release day, diss going outside on a hot Spring day to play Mythology Island, and beg my Grandma to buy me membership so I could obtain the limited edition golden renegade robot store item. I’m just not that kid anymore, and sadly, I got what I wanted, but what the young Spencer wanted, not the older Spencer. Does that make sense? At all? No? Okay.

Thank you for the privilege, Slanted Fish. HP, Sam, UIPE, Fishy, Blake, BT, Slip, and SD… thank you for being my buddy pal amigos who embraced my love for circles, and becoming my part time therapists. I won’t be on Discord anymore, nor the comment section. But, I plan on keeping contact with the staff of the PHB, and I’ll still be lurking this place. So, I’ll still be speaking with them, they’re my buddy pal amigos after all, and I’ll be happy to be in the Poppies, along with voicing Cobalt in Orb Legend. Because well, sometimes in order to move forward, you have to look back.

But, what’s next for me? Well, with the help of a buddy pal amigo, I will be attempting to make rap music. So, that’s pretty gnarly.

Guess what else? It’s been a week since the little PHB 24 million hits contest, and I promised to announce the winners. My co-author UiPE will be getting the accounts to the winners, so if you won, stay tuned. Anyway, here they are:

Never-Seen Ninja: Cuddly Knuckle

Rock and Roll All Knight: Funny Ant

More-Dred’s Mace: Some Guy

Pretty Pistol: Short Feather

Secret Samurai: Crazy Sinker

To read their entries, check out the comments section of the contest post: Top Five Unreleased Items, Unleashed! Great entries, guys. Do great things in life. All of you.

Play the game, don’t let the game play you.

–Spencer JD

Take care folks.

Pop 5

Pop 5: Bizarre Items You Forgot Existed in Poptropica!

Wihi folks,

Wow, that was a long title. Anyway, I was browsing through my inventory, when I saw some items I forgot even existed, so I rounded the top five most bizarre, and showed some people on the PHC, and every single person I showed had no idea they existed, so here I bring you Five Bizarre Items You Forgot Existed in Poptropica!

5. Booga Sha–man, that existed?

Screenshot at May 01 21-05-02.png

So, I’m sure you played Shark Tooth. There was a time you could obtain the Medicine Man’s costume as an item card. It’s funny, the character is shirtless, yet when you customize the shirt, it has to be his skin pigment, yellow. Anyway, this funny guy came from the Booga Shaman toy.

4. Some serious beef!

Screenshot at May 01 21-05-39.png

Seriously, when did this exist? Is it from a toy or something? A tiny man in a hamburger costume following me around is something I usually see in my nightmares, sheesh. This strange thing comes from the Hamburger Pocketeer, which, believe it or not, is a legitimate Poptropica toy.

3. I don’t remember this at SeaWorld…

Screenshot at May 01 21-05-18.png

Not only is there a Booga Shaman item card, you could also get an item card called Jump The Shark when you purchased the Shark Boy plush toy. Sadly, after the eradication of Shark Boy (now known as Shark Guy), Poptropica doesn’t list it in their list of toys anymore. Anyway, with this power, when you press the button anywhere in Poptropica, you can toss a fish and the Great Booga Shark will jump out and bite it.

2. Some serious UiPE & GH stuff right here!

Screenshot at May 01 21-06-34.png

On Poptropica, followers vary from dragons, to UFOs, to birds, but there exists a certain item card that allows you to have a follower of, well, yourself! Pretty gnarly, and this came from last year’s Daily Pop-In event although it was also an ad prize before that.

1. X–ruh roh, raggy?!

Screenshot at May 01 21-03-51.png

What a cool visor… where did it come from again? Oh yes, this was a members-only promo item for Virus Hunter Island given out before the island was released. Snazzy, and it comes with a power when you press spacebar too!

Well, that wraps up this top five list! Did you remember these items from Poptropica, or did you have no idea they existed? What other items do you consider worthy of this list? Let us know in the comments!
