Escape from Pelican Rock Island, Fan Art Features, Social Media

Pop Quiz: 😇 Good or evil? 😈

Hey Poptropicans, pop quiz incoming! Head over to Escape From Pelican Rock Island and you’ll find a new pop-up stand right in front of Bay City Bank on Main Street asking: Good vs Evil — Which are you?

Click to “Take Quiz” and you’ll get five fun questions to determine just how malicious of a person you are. The quiz is hosted on Interact Quiz Maker, so you can also visit its direct link here to take this pop quiz!

(Spoiler) If you answered like you’re an angel, your result is that “You’re a good one! Phew! You’re certainly not evil. High-five!” But if you pick even one of any of the guilty responses, you’ll get “Evil Villain! You’re a regular human who does questionable stuff sometimes. Unless you answered yes to the last question. You may be an evil mastermind!”

Thanks, BrittScarlet, for letting us know about the quiz update — as well as this next one. If you check your Poptropica messages, you might find a new one that promises new games starting in January!

Also in your messages, you may find a notification about the announcement of the Design Your Dream Island Contest winner. In case you missed it, Fairy Tale Island is only the first of a few winners — we’re still waiting to hear about the rest, which were supposed to be announced last week!

In other news, Poptropica rang in the new year with an art feature on their Instagram story: @capax_infini’s latest piece with Poptropicans celebrating. Here on the PHB, we also shared our latest Community Creations on New Year’s Day, including another piece from GEAR (capax_infini) featuring an anthropomorphic Dr. Beev with fan-made Dr. Nyah! A perfect intro for this month’s creation theme: Doctors!

If you’ve been traveling around Poptropica lately, you may have noticed the recent ad for The Croods popping up at inopportune moments, as its own ad scene with an incongruent background: the hand-drawn streets of Timmy Failure Island. You might come across it while entering and exiting buildings on Home Island, for example.

But recently, it’s gotten more ridiculous, even appearing right as you jump in your blimp. Tell me, Poptropica, why I’m having to cross the street before flying off to a new island? The game world might defy logic from time to time, but this much? What do you think?

Speaking of ads, there’s another one on the map: American Girl has returned, but this time as a bit of an Australian Girl. Check out our deep dive into American Girl: Kira’s Island, with all its authenticities and oddities, in the post below! See ya later, mate. 🦘

~slanted fish 🐠

8 thoughts on “Pop Quiz: 😇 Good or evil? 😈”

  1. Hey there, Just want to say thanks for mentioning me brining up the quiz and a sneak peak of the new game! Hi from Discord!

  2. Those aren’t just any poptropicans 😉 If you look closely, you’ll see some familiar faces! You’ve got Orange He and I at the popcorn and cotton candy booth, waving to HfEvra. Theo is buying some crepes while Gentle Dolphin is at a stall cooking odangos (A type of dumpling covered in soy sauce) Sporty Boa and Slated Fish are in the background playing with sparklers. And of course you’ve got Beev, Hare, and Nya in the front!

    1. I really don’t like that just one bad thing I did cheating in life makes me a Super Villain for this Poptropica quiz but to me I’m a super good guy I always want to be super good I instantly regretted cheating a long long time ago. I haven’t done that in a long long time afterwards cause I really hated the trouble I got into cause of doing that I felt like I derserved it though and I never went to go do it ever again. That’s the only not very good thing I remember doing in my real life.

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